Bidding Points have been updated to reward bidders who take real risk with the most points.

07 Jun 2023, 22:13
Bidding Points have been updated to reward bidders who take real risk with the most points. $BLUR rewards will go to users who genuinely contribute to Blur's growth The following tactics don't work 1. Transferring NFTs for loyalty 2. Wash trading 3. Spoofing bids Learn more👇

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BlurBLUR #161
07 Jun 2023, 22:13
P.S. Top collections still earn the most points, but points have also been updated to spread points out more evenly across collections.
Top collections still earn the most points, but points have also been updated to spread points out more evenly across collectio
P.S. Top collections still earn the most points, but points have also been updated to spread points out more evenly across collections.
BlurBLUR #161
07 Jun 2023, 22:13
2. Wash trading for points Points aren't rewarded for trading volume, but sometimes bots wash trade to increase the visibility of a collection and increase the points allocated to it. Wash traders will be filtered from Season 2.
Wash trading for points.
2. Wash trading for points Points aren't rewarded for trading volume, but sometimes bots wash trade to increase the visibility of a collection and increase the points allocated to it. Wash traders will be filtered from Season 2.
BlurBLUR #161
07 Jun 2023, 22:13
3. Spoofing bids Some bots create fake bids that can't be accepted. They front run bid accepts in order to get points without risk. This behavior is easy to detect on-chain and cheaters will be filtered from Season 2.
Spoofing bids. Some bots create fake bids that can't be accepted.
3. Spoofing bids Some bots create fake bids that can't be accepted. They front run bid accepts in order to get points without risk. This behavior is easy to detect on-chain and cheaters will be filtered from Season 2.